Photo courtesy of Sammy Garcia
What makes two people truly compatible with each other?
If you’re interested in my theory of love and how to use research-based information to discover, maintain, and nurture the love relationship of your dreams, check out my website here.
You’ll find lots of science-based information, ideas, and tools how to turn your dreams about love into reality.
Welcome to my website. Thanks for taking a look!
The goal of my website is to inform you about the varied activities in which my collaborators and I are involved now and in which we have been involved over the years.
If I have one passion in my work, it is to see changes in the ways in which we teach and test our children. Our educational system is very much oriented to favor traditional learners—those who are good memorizers and good at analytical reasoning. The educational system is not particularly oriented toward nontraditional learners who might be more creative or practical in their orientation, or who have learning styles other than one that soaks in what teachers and textbooks say and then repeats it all back (sometimes, but not always, in the students’ own words).
As a result, much of my research in recent years has been on how we better can teach and assess youngsters. I have been particularly interested in admissions, an interest that harks back to my first full-time job as Special Assistant to the Dean of Undergraduate Admissions at Yale. My colleagues and I have developed measures for supplementing traditional assessments that increase prediction of academic and extracurricular success and reduce ethnic-group differences relative to traditional standardized tests. My hope, going forward, is to be instrumental in encouraging universities to expand their horizons in admissions so that they are looking at a whole person rather than a limited series of numbers that really say very little about a person’s prospects for future success.
Although much of my work has been on intelligence, creativity, wisdom, thinking styles, I also have been interested in topics that are more social-psychological, such as love, hate, leadership, and conflict resolution. Today’s world certainly needs far wiser and better leaders than, for the most part, it is getting.
Much of my time in recent years has been spent in administration, first as Director of the Center for the Psychology of Abilities, Competencies, and Expertise at Yale, and then as president of the American Psychological Association, Eastern Psychological Association, International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology, and the Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brains Sciences. I also have been dean of arts and sciences at Tufts and provost and senior vice-president at Oklahoma State. As an administrator, I was especially eager to put into practice some of my ideas about leadership and education.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at robert.sternberg (AT), or to use the contact form on this website.